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Fill Events With Buyers - with Alexis Caldicott$197

November 9 & 10, 2023
8:00 AM to 9:30 AM Pacific
(11:00 AM to 12:30 PM Eastern)

You are invited! It's a workshop you can't miss!

Fill Events With Buyers - with Alexis Caldicott

The #1 Reason Events Don’t Make Money Is… … The Event Host Was Focused on HOW MANY Registered VS. WHO Registered.

However, The Savvy & Highly Profitable Event Host Doesn’t Want Anyone At Their Events, They Want BUYERS At Events! [It’s a QUALITY VS. QUANTITY kind of thing ]

After this in-depth training, you'll walk away knowing:
=> #1 Way To Fill Events With Buyers (That Most Event Hosts Get Wrong).
=> How To Magnetize Ideal Clients & Weed Out The “Broke Folk.”
=> Simple Ways To Position Yourself As The GO-TO Expert In Your Field.
=> A Marketing Model That Creates A Natural Breadcrumb Trail To Your Event.
=> How To Set Up Your Marketing To Create A Rush Of Event Registrations.

Come join us and other entrepreneurs just like you for a virtually amazing time!

"If it's not fun, it's not worth doing!" ~ Kimberly Crowe

  • Total payment
  • 1xFill Events With Buyers - with Alexis Caldicott$197

All prices in USD
