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You are invited! It's a workshop you can't miss!

Building a Winning Media Kit

Key elements of an irresistible media kit: bio, photos, social proof, and media appearances. Crafting a bio that resonates with podcast hosts and audiences. Selecting the best headshots and action shots that represent your personal brand. Creating a Pitch that Gets Noticed

Understanding podcast host needs and aligning your pitch. Crafting clear, concise, and compelling outreach emails. Personalizing pitches to make a lasting impact. Highlighting Your Unique Value

Differentiating yourself through expertise and storytelling. Leveraging your speaking topics to attract the right podcasts. Demonstrating your podcast-specific value to host relevant shows. Positioning Yourself as a Go-To Expert

Building credibility and authority with niche expertise. Showcasing your past speaking engagements and success stories. Creating alignment between your personal brand and the podcast's target audience. Nailing the Follow-Up and Relationship-Building

Techniques for following up effectively without being pushy. Building lasting relationships with podcast hosts for ongoing collaborations. Leveraging guest appearances to secure future bookings and cross-promotion opportunities.

Come join us and other entrepreneurs just like you for a virtually amazing time!

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Compelling Speaker Media Kit: Your Essential Toolkit for Getting Booked on Top Podcasts with Michelle Abraham$197

October 2 & 3, 2024
1:00 PM to 2:30 PM Pacific
(4:00 PM to 5:30 PM Eastern)

"If it's not fun, it's not worth doing!" ~ Kimberly Crowe

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For only $10!

Get the replay of this amazing course for only $10!

  • Total payment
  • 1xCompelling Speaker Media Kit: Your Essential Toolkit for Getting Booked on Top Podcasts with Michelle Abraham$197

All prices in USD
