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A Taste of PFO with Kimberly and Gini #3$197

See what you've been missing!

Week of August 7 - 11!

With Speakers Playhouse MOCK "Play Full Out" membership, you're getting a taste of how AMAZEBALLS our Play Full Out membership really is!

With this MOCK Play Full Out, you'll get....

*Access the entire Playhouse DROP Back Stage Pass Library for ONE WEEK - August 6th to 11th!.

Hungry for programs that up your speaking game?  Get a week of total access to see how much can you consume!  Our DROP library has more than 30 programs from our amazing partners, designed to up-level you as a speaker and business owner.   

The video content in these courses is a kaleidoscopic array of business-building resources.  You'll not only have access to the videos but also direct links to the bonuses and offers from our amazing DROP contributors.... each created exclusively for Speakers Playhouse! At your fingertips.

*MOCK Coaching Studio

Special Edition August 7th

8:00 AM to 9:30 AM Pacific

Opportunity to perform portions of your talk and get professional coaching, before going public. You'll have the opportunity to sign up to grab the mic and speak in front.  You'll get practice, improve your skills and break through what's holding you back.

*Mock Playhouse Playground 

Special Edition August 8th 

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Pacific. 

Kimberly will share new training and best practices. Then you’ll break into small groups in individual break-out rooms to work on new talks, or develop your existing talks with your peers. You’ll give and receive guided peer-to-peer feedback. And then we’ll come back to share your experience in the main room. We’ll have multiple break-out sessions to give you multiple chances to deliver and improve your talks in a single afternoon!

Come join us and other speakers just like you for a virtually amazing time!  

"If it's not fun, it's not worth doing!" ~ Kimberly Crowe

  • Total payment
  • 1xA Taste of PFO with Kimberly and Gini #3$197

All prices in USD
